Social Work Club to have speaker


The Social Work Club at Chadron State College will have a guest speaker this coming week.

Dr. Archie Beauvais of the Rosebud Reservation in south central South Dakota to speak at 6 p.m. Monday, Feb. 26 in the Scottsbluff Room of the Student Center. The program will be open to the public without charge.

Beauvais is a Lakota who is a columnist and correspondent for the Lakota Country Times based in Martin. He was dean and chairman of tribal and graduate studies at Sinte Gleska University at Mission, S.D., for 20 years.

In addition, Beauvais is a Vietnam veteran, and has a doctorate in education from Harvard University. His presentation will be available for viewing in Alliance and Scottsbluff through Chadron State’s interactive television system.

-College Relations

Category: Campus News, Social Work