Falcone named March Project Strive Student of the Month

Vincent Falcone
Vincent Falcone (Photo by Daniel Binkard/Chadron State College)


CHADRON – Chadron State College student Vincent Falcone is the Project Strive/TRiO Student of the Month.

Falcone, a senior from Fort Calhoun, Nebraska, said he chose Chadron State College because of the location of the school. He enjoys the surrounding Black Hills area, state parks, and public land.

Falcone is an Interdisciplinary Studies major and a Student Ambassador.

Sara Smith, campus visit coordinator, notes Falcone’s work ethic and commitment to Chadron State.

“Vince has held the title of Student Ambassador for the past three years and has been an incredible asset to the Admissions Team. Through his outstanding campus tours, he has helped many students commit to joining the Eagle Family. Vince is a very hard worker and will complete any task thrown his way with a smile on his face. I know his work ethic will take him very far in life. His fellow Ambassadors and I are so proud of Vince and his accomplishments,” Smith said.

Falcone’s favorite class is Safety and First Aid (HPER 226) because he thinks it is important to have the skills to potentially save someone’s life. He hopes this is a skill he never has to use but it is good to be prepared.

After graduating, Falcone would like to work in the Forest Service or with the Game and Parks Commission.

Amanda Lewin, TRiO retention specialist, praises Falcone’s involvement in Project Strive.

“I have known Vince since he was a freshman and I have enjoyed watching him grow and mature. He has been an active participant in our program from day one and can always be counted on to step in and help where needed. He will often help with setting up events and cleaning up afterwards. He is full of personality and we always enjoy when he comes into the Project Strive office,” Lewin said.  

Lewin also admires Falcone for his determination in the face of challenges.

“Vince has impressed me with his perseverance when faced with difficulty. He struggled with classes his freshman year but was very determined to improve. He utilized the resources that Project Strive offers and has progressed greatly. He does not give up and always tries his best. Vince will graduate soon, and I know that he will be successful in whatever he chooses to do,” Lewin said.

Chadron State College’s Project Strive/TRiO program, located in the lower level of the King Library, is an academic enrichment program committed to help students succeed. Project Strive also focuses on career exploration, cultural and social enrichment and self-awareness. To be eligible for the program, a student must be one of the following: A first generation student where neither parent has a four-year degree, meet low-income status based on U.S. Department of Health and Human Services criteria, or have a documented disability. For more information, visit femdomcenter.com/projectstrive.

—Olivia Bryant, College Relations

-Olivia Bryant, College Relations

Category: Campus News, Student Awards & Achievements